TMONJ: What I Learned Third-Wheeling My Own Date

I kept OkCupid around for awhile after I finished my blog research. Honestly, it was more to pass the time. After straight stomping on some fuckboys, I actually found a decent person to chat with. Funny, ambitious, and can carry a good conversation. If anything, I figured I would have a witty friend from it. Let’s call him Sure Thing Sal*.

We had plans to hang out last night, but it ended up pouring all day and I hate being out in it. I invited him over to my house for video games and he said he’ll bring over pizza (made it clear I didn’t have sucia tendencies). Just before he came over, my sister came home from work. She came in the house with her shoulders slumped, facial expression still tugging worries from the day. She had a rough day.


She had launched into full story mode when he finally arrived. They both work in the restaurant industry (both managers) and immediately were bonded over work grievances, lazy people, and restaurant quirks that you wouldn’t get unless you worked in that business (hint: I didn’t).


I sat there in between them quietly and listened to my sister and the guy I’m semi-interested in swap stories and tell tales of restaurant horror. They even knew the same people.


At first I felt very much like the kid sister and slightly pissed that my night of innocent flirtation and getting to know this guy more was out the window and then it dawned on me. My sister is one of the few people in my life that I love more than anything. Every guy I’ve ever brought around has always shyed away from her. You think I’m intimidating? Meet my sister. Her very presence commands respect because she’s a bad bitch with her head held high. Not only did he hold his own, he bonded with her. Earned her respect. That’s not something easily won over.

I may have been bored to tears about whatever the hell acronyms they were throwing out, but by the end of it, I had some sort of weird satisfaction that I’m learning how to pick em and what kind of standards I need in place for Mr. Right. I don’t know if Sure Thing Sal will be that person and it’s okay if he’s not, but at least I know that I am growing as a person and bringing around people to my family worthy of their time.


forever awkward,